My Portfolio
Glitch Art
Inter-nature, 2020
The first three images of peacocks were my very first glitch art.
Although there was not too much meaning in them when creating them,
they were my entrance pieces to New Media Art.
As the world becomes more digitalized, nature is being effected in both good and bad ways.
As technology advances,
more and more of nature has been destroyed through deforestation or forest fires.
huge amounts of volunteers get together to replant forests due to the internet being available.
Technology has taken much of nature for supplies but also raised much awareness to this problem.
Nature in a way has been taken into the digital world as well.
Cali-fire, 2020
The three photos above represent the situation where California is in blazes.
There has been a lot of forest fires in California recently.
I wanted to try to show some of the madness of the situation and the anxiety people
feel during this time of crisis. The first picture was edited with TextEdit.
The last two pictures were made using audacity.
The second was made using phaser, distortion, fade in/out.
Finally the last picture was made using reverb and echo.