My Portfolio
Hello, I'm Welby Chan and this is a portfolio that contains much of my video and net art. To learn more, read my artist's statement.
Change, Montage, 2018
"Change" is the first video in my path as an artist. I was told to first make sounds using a recording device and then to record videos to put together with the recorded sounds. The meaning of "Change" is simple. Even when you want to change and make progress, we all go back to how we were, eventually restarting back at 0. Change is easy, yet so hard.
Reflection of the Rain, Non-narative, 2018
We all have a reflection. That reflection deep down shows a story that no one but the reflected truly understands. Water is clear like glass, yet it stares back at you and shows you who you are.
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EvoRoy, Net Art, 2018
This piece is a questionable net art piece. It is about the evolution of games. Roy is used as an example as you see him move across the screen and come back as a more realistic version of himself. The cloud which moves in sync with him but loses pace represents gamers. Eventually the realistic Roy reaches the beginning again and comes around as a less realistic Roy representing people going back to older graphics in games.
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Viral, Net Art, 2018
This piece is a Net Art piece. It is about how the culture today involves things going viral. It cannot be stopped by any power. No matter how hard one would try to stomp it out, it would only grow bigger until it finally dies out on its own. Probing at it will only make it grow bigger. One is example is the zoo that owned harambe.