Hello, I'm Welby Chan and this is a Game Dev Portfolio that contains much of my developed games. To learn more about me, read my artist's statement.
Blink, GoDot Engine, Academic
"Blink" was the first video game I had ever created with an academic grading.
I was the artist and designer. Brandon Zhou was the programmer and manager.
We got the music from Ross Bugden in YouTube creative commons.
Even though I was the artist and desginer, I also helped with programming when my partner had no time.
I fixed bugs and designed the entire map. Although there were many things we wanted to add, we
were under a time constraint and never finshed. I plan on making a sequel of this game which
will implement the scrapped ideas I had.
"Rescue Eve" is another game I helped created with an academic grading.
I was an artist and designer. I helped with a little bit of coding such as movement.
This game is about a funky dancing robot. He is on a journey to locate his companion.
It is a action platformer with an odd disco dancing theme.
There are only 5 levels of the game. Others who also worked on this project were
Linhson(Programmer), Jed(Programmer), and Alison(Artist).
"CatLander" is a game I built from the bottom up along with a friend of mine(Yvonne Hoang).
In this game, you simply land on the terrain for points. If you crash, you get none, but if you
land in the designated areas, you get 10 points, others, you get 1 point.
We did not use any engines, but instead a framework called OpenFrameWorks along with
visual studios as a tester/debugger. Using Maya, I designed the terrain to be shaped like a
cat face while my partner designed the candy-like cat character. We both split the work for
coding which happen to have collision detection, camera movement/angles, ray tracing, etc.
I created the trailer with premiere while she recorded most of the videos for me to piece
together. We were both the artists and the programmers for this project with a even split.